Thursday, March 29, 2007

Two Peas Blog Challenge

Would you say your more of an online shopper or have to see things in person first?

I am definitely a must see it person. I browse online, but rarely do I buy online. I'm lucky, my lss is pretty awesome. She carries a better selection than most larger stores. I like to shop locally when I can. *********

Aaron hasn't had a great week. The doctor said he couldn't do anything at all until he gets a x-ray in 4 more weeks. He's really bummed. Plus his are has really been hurting. I hate when my kiddos don't feel well. After looking at his baseball schedule, hopefully he will be able to make the last 6 or 7 games. ************

I'm beginning our Bahamas album. I decided to make it a 8x8 - my first one this size. I'll post the finished album. Hopefully it won't take me too many months!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Two Peas Blog Challenge

The challenge was to blog about how your coming along with this years scrapping goals. Well first of all, I don't make scrapping goals because I don't want to stress about not achieving them. Basically I just try to scrap anytime I can. Also, Once every quarter my sisters-in-law (awesome girls!!!) and I get together for 3-4 days and do nothing but scrap, eat and watch favorite movies. I absolutley looove this time with them. We usually do get a lot done. One of my sisters (they really are more like sisters to me) is not able to come as often due to schedules with her kids (one has special needs), but we still try to get together with her when we can. Our next weekend will be coming up in April. Can't wait!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Softball season begins...

Alvin is coaching Elaina's softball team again this year. He really has a great time coaching the girls. She has moved up to the fastpitch league for 10 yr and under. I love watching my kids' games. Here some pics. The first pic is from her very first year to play - she played T-ball. The rest are form last year. Pic number 2 was taken right after she threw for an out on first. Take a look at pic 3 - have you ever seen a better "bring it!" face! The last is of her batting. She is turning out to be quite the little athlete. Plus, she has tons of fun!!!! Go STARZ!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Look what's coming to Dallas!

I have always said if I was going to see a Broadway Musical it would be this one! It's coming here! It will be at the Music Hall at Fair Park!

I hope I get to see this with my kids!!! I have heard it is absolutely breathtaking! You can buy tickets here

Two Peas Blog Challenge

What singer/band would I love to see in concert? (this is not an order link)
John Mayer Love his music!

Back to the Dr's

I'm taking Aaron for his follow-up visit to an Orthopedist to check on his broken arm. Here's what happened.

We went to Breckenridge, CO skiing over spring break. This is our second ski trip with the kids. Last year, they had to spend so much time in classes that we didn't get to have much ski time as a family. So this year we decided to put them each in private lessons. Our thinking was with private lessons, they would get more one on one solid teaching. Elaina took a 3 hour ski lesson and Aaron took a 6 hour snowboarding lesson. If you have not ever tried snowboarding - it's more difficult than skiing so we wanted him to get as much out of the lesson as possible. Elaina is going to be a natural on skis - just like her Daddy. By the end of the trip she skid (spelling) down a blue/black trail! She's only 9!

Anyhooo, Aaron did absolutely wonderful during his lesson. He was really boarding great. Controlled, turning, stopping etc... So we set off on day 2. Our first day together. Alvin and Elaina decided to go ski together because she can already ski down blues with ease. I was staying with Aaron in an area he liked - it has a terrain park and is used by lots of boarders. So on the lift to the area he says to me "I think those ski patrol people are really cool. What does it take to be one?" We discuss this while riding to our drop point. We get off the lift and I decide to ski down ahead of him so I watch board down the mtn. I ski ahead and pull to the side and wait, and wait, and wait. All the time waving my poles at him to let him know I was ready. I see him sitting on the snow and think maybe he is checking his bindings again or just resting. In a minute this kid boards up to me and says "your kid hurt his arm REAL BAD!" I PANIC! I take my gear off and haul myself back up the mtn (about 200 yards). By the time I reach him I am literally about to pass out! Seriously - seeing spots - can't breath. Stupid thin air! I asked him what happened - thinking someone ran into him or maybe he slipped. He says "oh, I was trying to throw a 360". Huh, are you serious?! What else are 12 year old invincible boys supposed to do the first day boarding by themselves. Duh Mom!

I check his arm and it doesn't look misshapen so I take off his gear and sorta fix a sling with his jacket. We walk BACK DOWN the mtn to call for ski patrol. Yep the ski patrol he was just asking about. Two people with the patrol come to help. One skier pulling the stretcher and a snowmobile for me and the gear. The ski patrol that pulled Aaron down the mountain was named Aaron. Funny. We get the base village ER and eventually get seen. It is broken. Aaron is so bummed about missing baseball. He was really great considering how much he was hurting. He never cried - even though I know he wanted to. My sweet big boy.

We'll see what the Dr. says today. Hopefully it's healing OK.

More later.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Two Peas Blog Challenge

One of my favorites games from my childhood was playing a game called Wahoo with my Grandmother. Anybody heard of it? You use dice and marbles. She would play for hours with me. I really miss her.


A weekend we don't have to go anywhere! Yaaaaaay! Most weekends are packed with activities, but not today!! Aaron had baseball practice this morning - but that's it. Alvin spent all day working on the pool cabana. He is such a hard working man...seriously. I love watching him build. He exudes confidence when building. Give him wood and tools and he can build you just about anything you want. He is really trying to make our home nice for us! This is a picture of Alvin helping/teaching Aaron to build his own headboard.Awesome Daddy! I am spending the day doing laundry, watching Gene Simmons Family Jewels reruns and Clean House (I always feel better about my home after watching this show!)
and trying to get over the stomach ick. Hopefully I will get to scrapbook later. The pics from our ski vacation over spring break came back. A couple of the pics are really good. Too bad Aaron is not in many of them since he broke his arm snowboarding the second day! My poor big boy! I hate that he is going to miss some baseball. He has really been great - no whining or anything! Love him! Going to read some of my fav blogs now.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Testing, testing, 123

Cool, it worked! Isn't she cute - our little Bahama Mama!

OK, a little better.

Alright, I built (somewhate) my blog. It's kinda boring for now - but it will do to start.

My first blog!

Let's see if I can figure out this whole blogging thing!

I became hooked on reading other people's blogs - especially artists who are similar to me. Those who are moms, wives, friends, art lovers etc...

There are a hand full that I read EVERY DAY! If I can figure out how to I will post my absolute faves.

My hope for this blog is this - to have some sort of journal for - well... anything I feel like recording. Journaling for my albums, letters to my kids and husband. Memories and details from our life I hope to remember (because my memory sucks!). I want to be better at expressing myself and telling those I love how I feel about them.

So, here we go.