Monday, July 30, 2007


Tomorrow, Grandpa has a procedure to check and maybe fix some blockage pertaining to his heart. I'm scared. Alvin is stressed to the limit and ( I think) completely worried about the outcome. Hopefully all will go well, but all I can think of (even though I'm trying not to) is..........Daddy. I miss him so much! 57 yrs. old is too young!!!! If I had only known.........that's what they say. It's true though - if I had only known.......I would have done so many things different. More time, more I love you's, more visits with the kids, more patience, more forgiveness.......just more.
I Love You Daddy!



Darcey said...

I will pray for your FIL and your family. Best of luck for the procedure.

toners said...

Sending hugs and best wishes to you and your family. Good luck.

Colleen said...

I hope everything goes smoothly. Will be thinking of you and your family...